Posts By: Tomas Alvizo

Congratulations Steersman Class of 2024

Congratulations to our Steersman Class of 2024! We are excited to see what the future holds for these guys with #Teamterral! We are proud of each and everyone one of them!

A letter from our CEO, Tom Gattle

Tom Gattle

Click here for the letter from our CEO, Tom Gattle. With 2023 ending, we are grateful to every employee who made this year possible. We are excited to see what 2024 holds for us and are optimistic we will achieve our goals again. Thank you all.

Featured Employee | Cody Harrell

Terral River Service is proud to announce this month’s featured employee, Cody Harrell. Cody is the Captain of the M/V John C. Terral and has been with Terral for over 13 years. He started out as a green Deckhand on the M/V Anna Marie. With his work and dedication, in just three years, he earned… Read more »

Congratulations, Bethany!

Terral wants to congratulate Bethany Stanely, our Human Resource Director, on being appointed to the Louisiana Workforce Development Board for Northeast Louisiana. She will be assisting with developing programs and funds to help job seekers fulfill the current and future workforce needs of employers in northeast Louisiana. This is a great accomplishment! We are extremely… Read more »

Terral RiverService 17th Annual Golf Tournament

Terral RiverService hosted its 17th annual golf tournament. We had a great turnout! We want to thank all of our customers, vendors, and attendees for coming out and participating. We always enjoy the opportunity to network with each of you!

Featured Employee | Michael Williams

Terral River Service is proud to announce this month’s featured employee, Michael (Mikie) Williams. Michael has been working out of our Lettsworth, LA location for the last six years as a Marine Mechanic. Over the years Michael has worked on his skills and knowledge, and now has a high-level experience to work on our vessels…. Read more »

Featured Employee | Justin Temple

Terral RiverService is proud to announce this month’s featured employee, Justin Temple. Justin is currently the Deckhand on the M/V Johnny M. Justin has been with us since April 5th, 2018. He started with no marine experience and now has several years under his belt. With his hard work and dedication, he hopes to make… Read more »

Welcome Tiffany Jackson, Personnel Manager

Terral RiverService would like to welcome our new Personnel Manager, Tiffany Jackson. Before joining Team Terral, she worked in the healthcare industry for 17 years with clinical and personnel experience. She enjoys spending time with her family in her downtime and is excited to have a new family welcome her. When asked how things are… Read more »

Congratulations, Allison!

We want to congratulate our Compliance Manager, Allison Branner, for the remarkable contributions she is making in various industry roles, leaving an indelible mark on the Maritime community. Firstly, Allison serves as the Treasurer and Secretary on the board of the Texas Waterways Operators Association (TWOA), where her insights and expertise help shape policies and… Read more »

Welcome Booth Buys, HR and Benefits Coordinator

Terral RiverService is excited to introduce our new HR and Benefits Coordinator, Booth Buys! Booth is from Vicksburg, Mississippi. He graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Kinesiology and Biology. After graduation, Booth worked for Elite Performance and Rehab as a technician and assisted patients in… Read more »

Congratulations Josh Knichel!

We want to congratulate our Vice President of Business Development, Josh Knichel, on being elected to the American Waterways Operators Board of Directors! The AWO is the national advocate for the U.S. tugboat, towboat, and barge industry, which serves the nation as the safest, most environmentally friendly, and most economical mode of freight transportation. Through… Read more »