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A letter from our CEO, Tom Gattle

Click here to view letter from our CEO, Tom Gattle. We have reached the midpoint of 2024. We want to thank each of you who has been a part of it. We appreciate the work each of you do for Terral River Service. Read his letter in the full context addressing growth, safety, and maintaining the highest standards in shipping.



July 11, 2024

Dear TRS Employees,

As we reach the midpoint of 2024, I am pleased to report that our second quarter results are as expected, and we remain on budget for the year. River conditions have been favorable, allowing for smooth operations of our boats, barges, and terminals. We are hopeful that these favorable conditions will continue through the end of the year, setting us up for a strong finish to 2024.

We continue to invest in new equipment and upgrades, and I am proud of the new business we have secured for 2024. Our growth has been steady, and we are committed to ensuring that we never expand faster than our ability to provide excellent service to our existing customers. These loyal companies have given us the opportunity to grow, and we will do everything we can to maintain the high standards of service they expect from us.

One of the things we are most proud of at TRS is the dedication of our long-term employees. Your loyalty and hard work are the foundation of our success. This year, we are honored to recognize the following employees who are celebrating 10 years with Terral RiverService:

Gregory Augustine, Floyd Newman, Daniel Hendry, Anthony Wiley II, Danny Bergeron, Jacob Dauzat, Roy Vanvickle, Allen Hartshorn, James Jones, James Guidroz, Teddy Twigg, and Richard Smith

While many of you have been with us even longer, reaching the 10-year mark is a significant milestone in any work environment. We sincerely thank each of you for your hard work and dedication.

As we face the summer heat, we want to remind those of you working outside to stay hydrated and take precautions during these hot days. Your safety is very important to us. Please talk with management if you have any concerns and always prioritize safety when working with equipment. If you encounter any safety issues, let management know immediately.

Our operations are heavily involved in servicing the agriculture sector. We custom load grain barges at several terminals along the Mississippi River and operate covered hopper barges that transport grain to New Orleans. Despite some delays in planting due to excessive rain, grain production along the Mississippi River looks promising for this fall. We anticipate good grain movement through our ports and terminals.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Stay safe,

Tom Gattle
President and CEO

Terral RiverService, Inc



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